Wednesday, October 1, 2008

developing a spring

I have deeded access to a spring, across the road from my new property, but someone came and widened the road, dug a ditch too close to the spring and cut into it's flow, so it needs to be developed, and encased again with a spring house/box, and I know springs can be tempermental. I would really like some expert advisement on this, or some physical help ha ha!

1 comment:

Sidonie said...

You entered my blog give=away, and I wanted to email you but cant find your email addy anywhere...I have french angoras and getting into standard Rex next month. I wish I could visit you and check out your set up...Please send your email...also, we could trade camping vacations if you like...we have 50 ac here and lots of rivers near that we go canoeing in. It would be cool to swap camps on each others place...just an idea...hope you write back...